Sunday, April 1, 2012


Neeti Tamang
(This write-up is penned down by Neeti Tamang, a new member in the Basibiyalo family, who was associated with the Shatakiya Prakaran of Basibiyalo which was held in Nov, 2011. This is an account on her visit to Rhenock and Singtam in preparation of that historic event. - Editor)

Basibiyalo members with friends of Rhenock
Right from the beginning of the month September preparation work for organizing 100th episode of Basibiyalo at grand manner started with full enthusiasm among members of all class. Everyone was engaged in executing respective works. The weekly meetings were held regularly at SD Library every Saturday where all members used to express their own ideas, view and opinion to make the program a successful one. They distributed the task among themselves. The progress report of the task assigned to the members reviewed every week. It continued till the last hour of the program. Within that period one decision was adopted to pay visit to Sikkim (the birthplace of Basibiyalo) to meet the old members. It was not only intended to involve them in proposed 100th episode but also to re-form a concrete group of Basibiyalo there and make this platform an example for the forthcoming generation of Nepali literature.
            Thus, two groups were formed to visit Sikkim. One group went to Gangtok and drop down to Singtam and another group went to Rhenock and met them at Singtam itself. I was included in the group who went to Rhenock along with Hira Chhetri Sir, Sudesh Khati Sir, Sibu Chettri daju and Anjali bahini. It was on 23rd October, we set off for Rhenock early in the morning at 8 and reached there around 10:30 am. Mr. Ganesh Pradhan Sir had come to the taxi stand to receive us. He showed a good hospitality in his home. I don’t know about others but I really don’t knew that he had a very sweet and amazing museum and nursery as well. It is known as Rama Gauri Sangrahalaya. We really had the great opportunity to see somebody’s such a beautiful hobby. There we came to know that plants are also of carnivorous type.
            After having a look all around we took rest for a while with tea and snacks. Few minutes later 3, 4 persons also arrived there. We introduced each other and had a discussion for what purpose we had actually been there. They appreciated our thoughts and agreed to support us whole heartedly. With the end of the serious discussion we headed towards the town for lunch which was provided by them especially for us with so much love and respect. After a delicious lunch we took leave for Singtam.

              We had so much fun there. It was really a very enjoyable as well as unforgettable trip in our life.

नाम्चीका साहित्यकारहरूसित कालेबुंगका साहित्यकारहरू 
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