Saturday, October 27, 2012

बसिबियालो को 111- औ प्रकरण सम्पन्न 

लीला जोशी अनि अरुण प्रधान सम्बोधन गर्दै 
गत शनिबारका दिन कालेबुंग को महकुमा पुस्तकालयमा मासिक साहित्यिक विचार गोष्ठी लीला जोशी अनि अरुण प्रधानको घरपतित्वमा सफलतापूर्वक सम्पन्न भयो। दक्षिण सिक्किमबाट आएका साहित्यकार एल बी बस्नेत जोर्थान्गेको विशेष उपस्थिति रहेको उक्त कार्यक्रममा स्थानीय लगायत अन्य बिचार प्रेमीहरुले स्वरचित रचनाहरु पाठ गरे भने युवा साहित्यिक हीरा छेत्रीले नेपाली अनि हिन्दी साहित्यमा स्वर्गीय गोपाल सिंह नेपालीको योगदानको चर्चा चलाएर कतिपय नया बिषयको उठान गरे। कर्मक्रममा आगामी बसिबियालो मदना ओझा अनि राधिका काफ्लेको आयोजनामा सम्पन्न हुने जानकारी गराइयो। सो दिनको बसिबियालोमा  बरिष्ठ साहित्यकार बी के शिलाल , समशेर अलि, ज्ञान सुतार, सनुमति राई , बी आर राई चामलिंग, अरुण कुमार रसाइली, सुदेश खाती, स्यांग देन  आदि उपस्थित थिए। 

Saturday, October 20, 2012


In presence of Musician Madhusudan Lama a meeting of Basibiyalo Deusi was held on 20th Oct at the office of Charitra Prakashan, Thana Dara, Kalimpong. Leela Joshi, Madana Ojha, Meera Chhetri, Radhika Kafley, Pabitra Karki, Badri Sharma, Arun Kr Rasaily, Sibu Chhetri, Leela Pd Sharma, Mani Kr Rasaily, T.N. Subdei, Hira Chhetri etc attended and shared their opinions.
It was decided to play deusi from the day of Lakhmi puja for four-five days in Siliguri, Kalimpong, Gangtok and Teesta. The guest artistes will be invited who include Debashis Mothey, Alok Chhetri, Nishant Singh (Shanti Niketan, Kolkata), Prajwal Chhetri (Rageshri Kala Niketan), four violinists from Gandhi Ashram under the guidance of Rudra Singh, Chief Instructor, troupe of Daju-Baini Kala Kendra, Salugara. The male lead voices will be Ajay Thapa, Bhanu Thapa, Rajen Chhetri, Sanju Singh etc while Amir Sundas of Bakhrakot will play Murchunga, a traditional musical instrument. Chandrakala Rai, P.C. Pradhan, Nirmala Pradhan will assist the musical troupe while Sibu Chhetri will look after the printing work for invitation card, Identity card, flex, handouts etc. Bhawani Sharma, a well known poet will also be invited to join the Deusi mainly for leading purpose. Moti Prasad Sharma will lead the traditional deusi which will be followed by chanting 'Deusi rey' by more than 40-50 followers. A melodrama will also be staged by Leela Joshi on Muna Madan. 
The programme includes recitation of code of conduct of Basibiyalo, chanding of Deusi/Bhailo, singing of jaagran geet, dance on Basibiyalo song, dance, recitation of jaagran poems, instrumentals, talent shows and aashirvaad etc.
Dr. H.B. Chhetri, MLA/Kalimpong will play guitar and sing song as special guest while Anmol Prasad, Senior Advocate, Dr R.P. Dhakal, Principal, Kalimpong College, B.R. Chhetri, Ex-Principal, BT College, Kalimpong, Amar Rasaily, Film Director will guide the troupe as advisers.
If any one interested to share new ideas or join the programme they may contact 94341-27175.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



To make the cultural festival of Deusi a memorable landmark in the history of literature of Indian Nepali language, Basibiyalo group of Kalimpong has decided to observe this eve in grand manner this year. So far two meetings have been held at the office of Charitra Prakashan, Thana Dara at the initiative of Hira Chhetri and in presence of Dr. H.B. Chhetri, who is a best Sitar player, Moti Prasad Sharma, known as only Aashu Kavi of Indian Nepali language and other regular members of the platform Basibiyalo.
So far the plant is like this :
About 40-50 participants including male and female will be there to play Deusi with full traditional Gorkha costumes.
The programmes will be organised at one location in one place in an open field.
There will be a huge backdrop of Flex with full cultural ethos titled Basibiyalo Deusi in the background of the stage.
Other flex and banners depicting Basibiyalo Vichar will be put in and around the programme venue.
Folding/automatic stage will be used to accommodate all the artistes.
About 3-4 Jeeps will be used for transportation of electronic/light items with musical instruments.
Artistes so far proposed are : Madhusudan Lama, Dr. H.B. Chhetri, Hemant (who plays flute with his nose), Alok Chhetri, Nishant Singh, Devashish Mothey (all from Shanti Niketan returned M. Music), Mahendra Bagdas (comedy actor), Ajay Thapa (Nazrul singer of Duars), Aamir Sundas (Murchunga player), Bhanu Thapa (Fold Singer), Rajen Chhetri of Teesta (Singer/guitarist), Anmol Prasad (Guest Artist), Dr. R.P. Dhakal (Principal, Kpg College) etc. Apart from this, we are trying to invite Rajdeep Rai (Bhajan singer contesting in India got talent of Colors Channel). The Daju Baini Kala Kendra of Siliguri will also perform in the programme.
So far it has been decided to organise this mega event in Siliguri, Gangtok, Kalimpong and Teesta Bazaar.
There will be traditional deusi at the first part (Jhilimili in new style) and Aashirbaad in last part. It will be followed by Achar Samnita Path by the Basibiyalo members. Then the aims and objectives of the programme will be highlighted. This will be followed by group song Sabai Nai Jaagaun Sabailai Jagaun which is a Gorkha Jagaran Geet, folk songs, dances, jaatiya jaagaran kavita, group recitation of famous poems.
Invitation cards will be distributed among all the gentlemen of the locality irrespective of their caste, creed, colour, faith, religion, principle, political identity, community.
Leaflets will be distributed on behalf of the Deusi troupe to invite the general public in the programme.
One or two convenor (s) will be nominated for respective place of Deusi programme to arrange for logistic support.
All participants will be issued Identity Card to avoid influx of unauthorised elements.
The programme will be recorded in the video camera for future reference and display in local channels afterwards.
So far the organisations or likeminded groups and well wishers come forward to join hands are : Charitra Prakashan (Publication House of Kalimpong), Headline SMS (mobile news service), Yelung Diagnostic Centre (Pathological centre in Kalimpong), Bhadra Ko Toli (fourth theater group).
Media Partners are : Purvanchal Bharati (Weekly newspaper) for Print and Kalimpong Television (KTv) for electronic media.
A press conference will be held to highlight its characteristics in official manner immediately after the Dashain festival.
The individual invitee will offer Daan in collective manner. The Daan collected by the programme will be utilized for a charity purpose which will be announced soon.
We invite suggestions from the culture minded people of our society.
Proposed banner of Basibiyalo Deusi
Following Basibiyalo members have so far expressed their interest to join Chandrakala Shilal, Bishnu Bhujel, Leela Joshi, Radhika Kafley, Meera Chhetri, Madana Ojha, Aruna Pradhan, Nirmala Pradhan, P.C. Pradhan, Samsher Ali, TN Subedi, Arun Kumar Rasaily, Bhim Pd Acharya, Sudesh Khati, Gyan Sutar, Nima Syangden, Deoraj Sharma, Bijay Narayan Pradhan, etc.
Thank you.

Monday, October 15, 2012

बाल बगैचा पत्रिकाको बिमोचन सम्पन्न 

कालेबुंगको महाकुमा पुस्ताकलायमा बाल बगैचा सामयिक पत्रिकाको बिमोचन 6 अक्तोबरको दिन सम्पन्न भयो। नेपाली साहित्यमा अवहेलनाको शिकार बनेको बाल-साहित्य विधामा आफ्नो अंतिम सास रहून्जेल कलम चलाउने अथक साहित्यकार स्व खिरोदा खडका संस्थापक संपादक रहेको सामयिक बाल-पत्रिका बाल बगैचा -को बाह्रौ अंक गांतोकबाट आएका बाल साहित्यकार एवं बाल दर्पण पत्रिकाका सम्पादक भीम प्रधान मुख्य अतिथिको बाहुली बाट गरियो।यस औसरमा अन्य अतिथिहरू थिए सानुमती राई , बी आर छेत्री, समशेर अली, ज्ञान सुतार आदि।
कार्यक्रममा भेला भएका अतिथिहरू  - फोटो डिम्पी भुजेल 
कार्यक्रममा दक्षिण सिक्किमस्थित नाम्थांग उच्च विद्यालयका छात्राहरू सुष्मिता छेत्री र निशी गुरुंग, सुम्बुक उच्च विद्यायलाय छात्राहरू प्रिया राई र रोजा राई अनि सप्तश्री ज्ञानपीठ, कालेबुंग छात्र यूवराज निरौला आदि बाल रच्नाकारहरूले स्वरचित कविताहरू पाठ गरेर सबैलाई  मंत्रमुग्ध पारे। यस औसर्मा टाडा टाडा बात आएका बाल्सर्जखारूलाई चरित्र प्रकाशन अणि बाल-बगीचा पत्रिकाको तर्फबाट उपहार गुच्छा पानी प्रदान गरिएको थियो।
चरित्र प्रकाशनको विशेष सहयोगमा सम्पन्न कार्यक्रमलाई संबोधन गर्दै मुख्य अतिथि भीम प्रधानले नेपाली बाल-साहित्यामाथि रोचक वक्तव्य पेश गरे। कार्यक्रमको शुरुमा स्वागत मंतव्य स्व खिरोदा खडका स्मारक गुठीको पक्षमा बाल बगैचाकी संपादक स्वस्तिका छेत्रीले गरेकी थिइन भने लेखक हीरा छेत्रीले धन्यबाद ज्ञापन गरेका थिए। संपूर्ण कार्यक्रमको सञ्चालन युवा लेखिका चन्द्रकला शिलालले गरेकी थिइन। यस औसरमा विशेष रूपले स्व खड़की बहिनी भूटाननिवासी श्रीमती शांति कार्कीको पनि उपस्थिति रहेको थियो। यसरी नै कार्यक्रममा साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कारले सम्मानित लेखिका विन्दया सुब्बा, स्थानीय कथाकार समशेर अली, टी एन सुबेदी आदिसहित सिक्किम नाम्थांग उच्चतर विद्यालाय शिक्षक विजय नारायण प्रधान अनि सुम्बुक उच्च विद्यालय शिक्षक देवराज शर्मा आदिको उपस्थितिले बाल सर्जकहरूलाई प्रोत्साहन प्रदान गरेको थियो। अतिथिहरूको बाहुलिद्वारा पत्रिकाको बाह्रौ अंकको विमोचन हुनअधि स्व खडकाको तस्वीरमा अतिथिहरूले श्रद्धार्पण गरे।